RTT 2x2 Live Fire Tournament
[RUS] Turnirnye pravila perestrelka 2 na 2
Nastrojki matcha:
Kolichestvo raundov: do 5 pobed
Pobed v matchah: do 2-h pobed
Pobed v finalnyh matchah: do 3-h vyjgrannyh matchej
Vremja kazhdogo raunda: 3 minuty
Usilenija: vykl
Taktiki pilotov: vse krome steny + i puls klinka
Ogranichenija po oruzhiju:
Spitfajr - zapreshhjon
Jenergovintovka - maksimum 1 na komandu.
Oskolochnye granaty i gravi-zvezda - zapreshheny.
Dostupnye karty: sklad, paluba, lug, UMA, posjolok, traffik.
Ispolzovanie kontrollerov zapreshheno
Hostom matcha stanovitsja komanda nahodjashhajasja vyshe po setke.
Esli najti kompromiss mezhdu vyborom datacentra nevozmozhno - obrashhajtes k organizatoru ili sude. V takom sluchae matchi provodjatsja v formate best of 2(po kolichestvu vyjgrannyh raundov) na raznyh
Karty vybirajutsja poocherjodno. Chtoby vybrat karty komandy vybirajut iz spiska po 1 karte, esli ih schjot posle 2 matchej stanovitsja 1:1 to kartu vybiraet ta komanda, kotoraja v summe poluchila bolshe
ochkov. Pervuju kartu vybiraet komanda nahodjashhajasja vyshe po setke.
Dlja podtverzhdenija pobedy dostatochno napisat v kanal #results-screenshots na servere
[ENG] Tournament rules for live fire 2 vs 2
Rounds to win: 5
Round time: 3 minutes
Matches to win: 2
Matches to win in finals: 3
Boosts: disabled
Pilot tacticals: cloak, grappling hook, phase shift, stim, holopilot.
Weapon bans:
Spitfire - banned
Chargerifle - can only be equipped by 1 person per team.
Ordnance: frags and gravity-stars are banned.
Maps: stacks, deck, meadow, UMA, township, traffic.
Gamepads are not allowed.
The team that has upper position in bracket hosts the match.
If players can't decide the server, then they must
call an organisator or referee of the tournament to solve the problem. In this case, teams are playing in format of best of
2(by amount of rounds won) on 2 different servers.
Teams decide 2 maps in order after hosting team has chosen first map. Then if their score is 1:1, the team that has the lead by rounds won, chooses the third map.
To confirm the score, you can type in #results-screenshots in discord server