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Click-Storm Chess #2



Click-Storm Chess League

PST time: 04, Aug 10:00

Participants: 89

PST time: 04, Aug 10:00


Storm Chess , Single Elimination

Hosted by:


Pobediteljam proshloj kvalifikacii zapreshheno prinimat uchastie! V sluchae obnaruzhenija budet prisuzhdeno tehnicheskoe porazhenie!


- Svjaz s sudjami cherez soobshhenija gruppy VK:

- Pri obnaruzhenii nedochetov igry obrashhatsja v soobshhenija gruppy VK:

- Rezultaty v turnire vystavljajutsja avtomaticheski. V sluchae, esli Vy ne soglasny s rezultatom, to neobhodimo obratitsja k sudjam predjaviv dokazatelstva.

- Chtoby perejti v igrovuju komnatu, neobhodimo nazhat na zeljonuju knopku To The Game ili na sinjuju knopku Srazhatsja v pravoj kolonke.

- V igrovoj komnate neobhodimo nazhat knopku I'm Ready, i dozhdatsja opponenta. Esli opponenta ne budet, napishite sude!

- Posle partii, nazhmite Continue, a zatem I'm Ready, esli vstrecha prodolzhaetsja. Esli vstrechi ne budet, platforma perenapravit vas na stranicu turnira. Vy smozhete otsledit svoju poziciju v setke.

- Krasivye momenty mozhno prislat kommentariem k turniru (vnizu).

- V sluchae problem na stranice nazhmite F5 na klaviture (obnovite stranicu).

- Vse matchi turnira budut idti do pjati pobed.

- Esli oba igroka ne javilis na turnir v techenie 10 minut, to oba poluchajut porazhenie! Takzhe, esli Vash protivnik ne javilsja v techenie 10 minut, emu zaschityvaetsja tehnicheskoe porazhenie!

- Esli sredi matcha byla nichja, to kazhdomu igroku pribavljaetsja po odnomu ochku.

- V sluchae nichi v matche, neobhodimo napisat sudjam, prilozhiv skrinshot i ukazav svoj nik


- Communication with the judges through the messages of the VK group:
- If you find any flaws in the game, contact the messages of the VK group:
- Results in the tournament are set automatically. If you do not agree with the result, then you need to contact the judges by presenting evidence.
- To go to the game room, you must click on the green button To The Game or on the blue button Fight in the right column.
- In the game room, you need to click the button I'm Ready, and wait for your opponent. If the opponent does not, write to the judge!
- After the party, click Continue, and then I'm Ready if the meeting continues. If there is no meeting, the platform will redirect you to the tournament page. You can track your position in the grid.
- Beautiful moments can be sent a comment to the tournament (below).
- In case of problems on the page, press F5 on the keyboard (refresh the page).
- All matches of the tournament will go up to five wins.

- If both players did not show up for the tournament within 10 minutes, then both get defeated! Also, if your opponent did not show up within 10 minutes, a technical defeat is counted for him!

- If there was a draw in the match, then each player gets one point.

- In the case of a tie in a match, you must write to the judges, attaching a screenshot and specifying your nickname