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Open Qualifiers #1 of Elements cup #2


Open Qualifiers #1 of Elements cup #2

I. Main Rules

1. The Open Qualifiers are held with the system Single Elimination. All games, except the final, held on bo1 system, the final - bo3 system.

2. Top team in the bracket creates lobby while another team chooses side.

3. If the team does not go to the lobby for 10 minutes. The team gets technical defeat. The winner need to take a screenshot and attach it to the tournament table.

4. Pauses in the game are allowed but no more than 10 minutes. After 10 minutes pause, one team can continue the game without a permission of other team.

5. The winner of the game is the team that will completely destroy the enemy's throne, or force him to give up (say gg).

6. For the using of scripts and third-party programs, the team gets a technical defeat.

7. You can change up to two players in the team - no need to change them on the web-site. Just bring them to the game.

II. Start time

22th July, 13:00 cest

III. Prize

The team, which won first place in the Open Qualifiers, gets a slot in the Group stage of the Elements Cup #2 and will compete for a prize fund of $ 20 000 with the following teams: Elements ProGaming, Flipsid3 tactics, Fantastic Five, The Imperial, Elements One, Alternate Attax, Power Rangers, Prodota Gaming.

I.    Pravila 1 jetapa turnira:

1. Kvalifikacii provodjatsja po sisteme Single Elimination. Vse igry, krome finala, provodjatsja po sisteme bo1, final igraetsja po sisteme bo3.

2. Lobbi sozdajot komanda, stojashhaja vyshe po setke, takzhe ona imeet pravo vybora storony ili pika.

3. Pauzy v igre razresheny. Otzhimat pauzu razreshaetsja tolko s soglasija protivoborstvujushhej komandy.

4. Obshhaja prodolzhitelnost pauz v igre 10 minut. Po istechenii 10-ti minut ljubaja komanda mozhet otzhat pauzu.

5. Prodolzhitelnost igry - do opredelenija pobeditelja.

6. Pobeditelem igry schitaetsja komanda, kotoraja polnostju unichtozhit tron protivnika, ili vynudit ego sdatsja i tron upadet.

7. Esli komanda ne zahodit v lobbi v techenii 10 minut (ot raspisanija) ili komanda nahoditsja v ne polnom sostave (5 chel), to komanda poluchaet tehnicheskoe porazhenie. Pobeditelju nuzhno sdelat skrinshot i prikrepit ego k turnirnoj tablice, gde vidno pustoe lobbi ili ne polnuju komandu i vremja.

8. Za ispolzovanie bagov karty, skriptov i storonih programm, komanda mozhet poluchit tehnicheskoe porazhenie v igre.

9. Mozhno sdelat do dvuh zamen v komande. Menjat komandu na sajte dlja jetogo neobjazatelno. Zamenu mozhno privesti v ljuboj moment.

II. Vremja starta: 22 ijulja, 13:00 cest

III. Priz: Komanda, zanjavshaja pervoe mesto na kvalifikacijah, poluchaet slot v gruppovoj jetap Elements Cup #2 i budet borotsja za prizovoj fond 20 000 $ s takimi komandami, kakElements Pro Gaming, Flipsid3 tactics, Fantastic Five, The Imperial, Elements One, AlternateAttax, Power Rangers, Prodota Gaming.