FightClub, HearthStone Day#4-2
- How to get to a game and find an opponent? At the start of a tournament, game chat rooms are automatically created. Click To the game of Go now in the right column and start negotiating with your opponent. You'll see his BattleTag in the game room.
- Tournament format: Single Elimination, random shuffle before start.
- Auto-checkin is always on. Please be present on the web-site before the tournament start. Only online players will stay in the bracket.
Tournament format: Conquest
- All matches Bo3.
- First player that gets 1 (BO1), 2 (BO3) or 3 (BO5) wins is considered a winner.
- You can use any cards.
- You cannot use the same class if you win the game.
- If you lose you can keep the same class.
- If needed you can quit duel and edit you deck anytime. But you have just 5 minutes. Please be fast.
Submit yourr results
- Upload screenshots and submit scores, then click "Submit".
- Note: submit only final scores, 3-1 or 2-0. If you click "Submit" earlier, the game would be considered closed.
- After the submission notify judge in the tournament lobby that you finished your game.
- Loser has to submit too or will fined.
Negotiating with the judge and players
If something went wrong reach judge immedeately. You have just 10 minutes to reach out to the judge if you want to re-open the game.
Please be kind. Try to solve difficult situations with your opponent first.
Use BattleTags and Nicknames without abusive words.
- Disconnect is considered a lose in one game of the match. If it's BO1 that the match is ended. Opponent can give a regame as a gesture of a good will.
- If you are 10 minutes and didn't tell judge and your opponent about this than you lose a game or the whole match.
Organizers can change rules anytime.
Cash will be paid via PayPal.
- Chtoby najti sopernika nuzhno zajti v komnatu vashej igry (vyjdet opoveshhenie na sajte) i uznat BattleTag sopernika. Takzhe mozhno cherez profil na Klik-Shtorme perejti na stranicu VK i dogovoritsja ob igre tam. V sluchae, esli vash sopernik ne otvechaet bolee 5-10 minut, nuzhno obratitsja k sude s predostavleniem skrinoshotov cherez lichnye soobshhenija Klik-Shtorma. Igroku, kotoryj ne otvechaet poluchit tehnicheskoe porazhenie. FAQ i video kak najti protivnika.
Turnir prohodit po sisteme Single Elimination: igroki razbivajutsja na pary v porjadke sluchajnoj zherebevki pered startom turnira i sorevnujutsja v turnirnyh
- Vveden chek-in. Chtoby ego projti nuzhno byt onlajn na sajte vo vremja starta turnira!
Porjadok provedenija matchej:Matchi v formate «Zavoevanie»:- Vse matchi prohodjat v formate Bo3. Pervyj igrok, kotoromu udastsja pobedit nuzhnoe kolichestvo raz v techenie matcha, schitaetsja pobeditelem matcha i prohodit dalshe.
V turnirnuju kolodu mogut vhodit ljubye karty ot obychnyh do legendarnyh.
- Kogda igrok pobezhdaet v igre, ispolzovannyj klass bolshe ne mozhet primenjatsja do konca matcha.
Proigravshij mozhet ispolzovat tot zhe klass ili perejti na drugoj, na vybor.
- Mozhno v ljuboj moment vyjti iz dujeli, chtoby izmenit kolodu. Vremja na smenu kolody - ne bolee 5 minut.
Rezultaty matchej:
- Pobeditel pishet v chate o ego pobede, a takzhe stavit sebe pobedu v komnate igry i prinuzhdaet opponenta postavit sebe porazhenie, ibo bez jetogo sistema vas ne propustit dalshe. Dlja dostovernosti sovetuem delat skrinshot i zagruzit ego v komnate chata.
- Pri vozniknovenii voprosov ili konfliktov vo vremja turnira, igroki mogut obratitsja k sude za pomoshhju.
- Proigravshij dolzhen takzhe ukazat rezultat ili budet oshtrafovan.
Osparivanie rezultata i reshenie spornyh situacij:- Vse pretenzii po rezultatu igr prinimajutsja k rassmotreniju v techenie 10 minut posle igry, esli pretenzij v techenii ukazannogo sroka ne postupaet, to rezultat igr bolshe ne peresmatrivaetsja. Krajne rekomenduem hranit vse skrinshoty s rezultatami do okonchanija turnira.
- Sudja turnira prinimaet reshenija soglasno dannomu Reglamentu. V spornyh i nestandartnyh situacijah sudja imeet pravo lichno razreshit tu ili inuju situaciju. Reshenie sudi javljaetsja okonchatelnym i ne podlezhit obsuzhdeniju ili obzhalovaniju.
- V sluchae diskonnekta uchastniki dolzhny opovestit sudju. Reshenie ob itoge matcha (ili zhe o ego pereigrovke pri teh zhe kolodah) vynosjatsja sudej.
- Zapreshheno materitsja, unizhat, provocirovat i abuzit protivnika v obshhem chate. Za podobnye narushenie igrok poluchaet tehnicheskoe porazhenie i lishaetsja ljubyh prizov, esli zanjal odno iz prizovyh mest. Dlja dokazatelstv prisylajte sudjam polnocennye skrinshoty s polnostju raskrytym chatom, a ne lish s ego otryvkami. Obrezannye skrinshoty ne rassmatrivajutsja v kachestve dokazatelstv.
- Igroki BattleTag kotoryh soderzhat necenzurnuju leksiku, oskorblenija ili po inym prichinam rascenivajutsja organizatorami kak nekorrektnye - k uchastiju v turnire ne dopuskajutsja.
Tehnicheskoe porazhenie mozhet byt zaschitano v sledujushhih sluchajah:
- Pri zaderzhke igroka bolee chem na 10 minut posle naznachennogo vremeni nachala matcha, pri uslovii, esli igrok ne predupredil sudju ili odnogo iz organizatorov o svoej zaderzhke;
- Esli igrok vyshel iz-za stola ili sovershil diskonekt vo vremja igry bez uvazhitelnoj prichiny;
- Organizatory chempionata imejut pravo vnosit izmenenija v dannyj reglament po hodu provedenija.
Vyplaty osushhestvljajutsja na PayPal.