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UD: Weekly VI


Reglament: "Obshhaja informacija".

1. Obshhaja informacija po turniru.

1.1. Versija igry: russkojazychnaja versija Warface.

1.2. Vse matchi prohodjat v rezhime "Podryv".

1.3. Komanda sostoit iz 5 igrokov osnovnogo sostava, dopuskaetsja dobavlenie 2 zapasnyh.

1.4. Turnirnye karty:

  • "Dvorec";
  • "Mosty";
  • "Obekt D17";
  • "Pereulki;";
  • "Piramida";
  • "Punkt naznachenija;".
  • "Fabrika"

1.5. K uchastiju v Turnire dopuskajutsja igroki starshe 12 let, dostigshie 26-go urovnja v igre


2. Razreshennoe k ispolzovaniju oruzhie i snarjazhenie.

2.1. Razresheno ispolzovanie oruzhija i amunicii, ne ukazannyh v spiske zapreshhennyh.

2.2. Zapreshheno ispolzovat:

  • vse predmety i oruzhie za korony (iskljuchenija v punkte 3.1.1.);
  • vse avtomaticheskie i poluavtomaticheskie snajperskie vintovki;
  • protivopehotnye miny, oglushajushhie granaty, vse dymovye granaty (krome poshtuchnogo belogo dyma), podstvolnyj granatomet;
  • osobuju vneshnost, skryvajushhuju nadetye na personazha predmety;
  • sezonnye predmety;
  • boevye shlemy;
  • boevye zhilety;
  • boevye botinki;
  • boevye perchatki;
  • plotnye botinki;
  • botinki "Atlas, K.I.W.I. i "Absoljutnaja vlast";
  • shlemy "Absoljutnaja vlast";
  • bronezhelety "Absoljutnaja vlast";
  • perchatki "Atlas, K.I.W.I. i "Absoljutnaja vlast";
  • snarjazhenie "Sindikat" i "Armageddon"
  • zolotye versii predmetov AX-308, Uzkon UNG-12;
  • turnirnye maski sezona "Osen-2015";
  • vse predmety, zashhishhajushhie ot pervogo popadanija;
  • USAS-12;
  • Taurus Judge;
  • VHS-2;
  • Stoner LMG A1;
  • Uzkon UNG-12;
  • vse predmety, vosstanavlivajushhie zdorove/bronju (iskljuchenija v punkte 3.1.1).

2.3. Iskljuchenija (razreshennye predmety):

  • shlemy "Open Cup: Vesna-2016";
  • shlem "Atlas Vojny", K.I.W.I;
  • bronezhilet "Atlas Vojny", K.I.W.I .
  • Snarjazhenie "Spektr"
  • Type-97 Elite Crown
  • ACR Elite Crown
  • FN SCAR-H Elite Crown
  • SPAS-12 Elite Crown
  • Saiga-12 Bullpup Elite Crown
  • Mossberg 500 Custom Elite Crown
  • Kriss super V Elite Crown
  • ACR CQB Elite Crown
  • Beretta M9 Elite Crown
  • Desert Eagle Elite Crown
  • zolotye versii predmetov

3. Zapreshhenija.

3.1. Zapreshheno vse, chto protivorechit pravilam igry i zakonam RF.

3.2. Zapreshheno prinimat uchastie v turnire, ispolzuja kompjuter drugogo igroka Warface.

3.3. Zapreshheno ispolzovanie nezajavlennogo igroka libo igroka iz drugoj komandy, uchastvujushhej v jetom turnire.

3.4. Zapreshheno neuvazhitelnoe otnoshenie k uchastnikam turnira, sudjam; nesportivnoe povedenie v igrovom lobbi i vo vremja turnira.

3.5. Zapreshheny nekorrektnye publichnye vyskazyvanija v adres igry, organizatorov i uchastnikov turnira.

3.6. Organizatory ostavljajut za soboj pravo uvelichit srok prebyvanija komandy v ban-liste.

3.7. Zapreshheno soobshhat informaciju o zale, gde prohodjat boi, komu-libo, krome sudi i chlenov svoej komandy.

3.8. Zapreshheny ljubye otklonenija ot pravil. Jeto mozhet povlech disciplinarnoe vzyskanie vplot do diskvalifikacii.

3.9. Zapreshheno sovershat zvonki sudjam posredstvom kontaktnogo PO, gde vy podderzhivaete svjaz.

3.10. Zapreshheno namerennoe ispolzovanie ljubyh vnutriigrovyh oshibok, a takzhe zhe oshibok soputstvujushhego programmnogo obespechenija.

3.11. Zapreshhaetsja sgovor ili ljubye dogovorennosti mezhdu igrokami ili komandami s celju poluchenija vygody, pribyli, vnutriigrovyh cennostej.

3.12. Zapreshheno ljuboe nezakonnoe ispolzovanie chuzhih obektov avtorskogo prava.


4. Disciplinarnye sankcii.

4.1. Za narushenie p. 3.3 — diskvalifikacija komandy, blokirovka akkaunta na osnovnom servere.

4.2. Za narushenie p. 3.4 — iskljuchenie igroka s turnirnogo servera.

4.3. Za narushenie p. 3.5 — komanda diskvalificiruetsja, takzhe diskvalificiruetsja igrok, kotoryj byl prizvan na zamenu.

4.4. Za narushenie pp. 3.6 — pri pervom narushenii komande vynositsja preduprezhdenie, pri povtornom komanda snimaetsja s uchastija v turnire.

4.5. Za narushenie p. 3.7 — pri pervom narushenii komande vynositsja preduprezhdenie, pri povtornom narushenii proishodit diskvalifikacija igroka s tekushhego turnira s dobavleniem v ban-list i polucheniem zapreta na uchastie v oficialnyh turnirah srokom na 6 mesjacev (s momenta dobavlenija v ban-list). Pri tretem narushenii — diskvalifikacija komandy s tekushhego turnira s dobavleniem vseh uchastnikov v ban-list srokom na 6 mesjacev.

4.6. Za narushenie pp. 3.3-3.10 — administracija ostavljaet za soboj pravo navsegda diskvalificirovat narushitelja ot uchastija v turnirah.

4.7. Za narushenie p. 3.12 — na usmotrenie sudi pri pervom narushenii igroku vynositsja preduprezhdenie, pri povtornyh narushenijah administracija vprave zaschitat komande tehnicheskoe porazhenie v jetom raunde ili diskvalificirovat igroka do konca turnira.

4.8. Za narushenie pp. 3.13. — proishodit diskvalifikacija komandy s tekushhego turnira s dobavleniem kapitana komandy v ban-list i polucheniem zapreta na uchastie v oficialnyh turnirah srokom na 6 mesjacev (s momenta dobavlenija v ban-list); komanda lishaetsja prav na vse nagrady.

4.9. Za narushenie pp. 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15 — sudja opredeljaet nakazanie po svoemu usmotreniju, v zavisimosti ot tjazhesti narushenija.


5. Prochie momenty.

5.1. Pri razryve soedinenija s serverom u igroka est vozmozhnost povtorno prisoedinitsja k igre. Esli takomu igroku ne udalos podkljuchitsja, match ne ostanavlivaetsja. Komanda mozhet provesti zamenu na igroka, ukazannogo v zajavke na turnir.

5.2. Esli v komande ne hvataet odnogo igroka, to ej otvoditsja 15 minut na sbory. Esli spustja ukazannoe vremja komanda ne mozhet vystavit na igru polnyj sostav, to ej vynositsja tehnicheskoe porazhenie.

5.3. Esli u igroka proizoshel razryv soedinenija s serverom do nachala 1-go raunda, match nachinaetsja zanovo. Na odin perezapusk daetsja ne bolee 2-h minut. Maksimalnoe kolichestvo perezapuskov igry — 3. Esli komanda ischerpala limit perezapuskov libo ne perezapustila match vovremja, to ej vynositsja tehnicheskoe porazhenie. Mezhdu matchami daetsja pereryv ne bolee 5 minut.

5.4. Igrok, zablokirovannyj na moment zavershenija registracii, k uchastiju v turnire ne dopuskaetsja.

5.6. Provedenie matchej iz kompjuternogo kluba/s trenirovochnoj bazy dlja odnogo ili neskolkih igrokov vozmozhno tolko posle soglasovanija uslovij s organizatorami turnira.

5.7. Mesto provedenija matchej (kompjuternyj klub/trenirovochnaja baza) dolzhno byt oborudovano videokameroj s dostupom v internet, pozvoljajushhej osushhestvljat nepreryvnuju zapis matchej v prjamom jefire.

5.8. Ssylki na prjamye transljacii matchej dolzhny byt predostavleny organizatoram Turnira. Pri otkaze ot predostavlenija ssylok komanda poluchaet tehnicheskoe porazhenie v matche, a takzhe mozhet byt diskvalificirovana.

5.9. Organizatory ostavljajut za soboj pravo zaprosit fotografii komandy v polnom sostave s mesta provedenija matcha (kompjuternogo kluba/trenirovochnoj bazy). Esli fotografii ne budut predostavleny, komanda budet diskvalificirovana.

5.10. Vnutriigrovaja nagrada za uchastie v turnire po umolchaniju delitsja sredi pjati osnovnyh igrokov sostava. Po zajavke kapitana komandy, ona mozhet byt podelena na vseh igrokov.

5.11. Organizatory ostavljajut za soboj pravo izmenjat nazvanija komand, ih logotipy i sostavy, a takzhe niknejmy igrokov-uchastnikov Turnira.


6. Porjadok rassmotrenija apelljacij.

6.1. Vse pretenzii kasatelno narushenija pravil igry dolzhny byt predjavleny v techenie 20 minut posle okonchanija matcha. Zhaloba podaetsja v soobshhenija gruppy

6.2. Pri podache protesta na nechestnuju igru, dolzhny byt ukazany konkretnyj igrok, vremja, prichina i povod dlja podozrenija. Kapitan komandy mozhet poprosit sudju proanalizirovat videofajly na nalichie zapreshhennogo PO u sopernika, pri jetom maksimalno dopustimoe chislo proverjaemyh igrokov — tri.

6.3. Sudja sorevnovanija vprave po svoemu usmotreniju primenit k igrokam ili k komande kak odnu, tak i neskolko mer otvetstvennosti libo ogranichitsja preduprezhdeniem.

6.4. Obsuzhdenie okonchatelnogo reshenija po ljuboj situacii, prinjatogo sudej, mozhet stat prichinoj diskvalifikacii komandy.


7. Pri tehnicheskom porazhenii komanda-sopernik objavljaetsja pobeditelem matcha. Fiksiruetsja schet 1:0.


8. Dopolnitelnye uslovija.

8.1. Vse kapitany dolzhny byt v seti za polchasa do nachala Turnira.

8.2. Dlja svjazi s sudej neobhodimo ispolzovat soobshhenija gruppy

8.3. Pered nachalom matcha kapitany samostojatelno opredeljajut igrovuju komnatu. Po okonchanii matcha skrinshoty itogovogo scheta zagruzhajutsja na stranice matcha kapitanami, a pri neobhodimosti predostavljajutsja sude .


9. Videotransljacija.

9.1. Videotransljacija matchej budet osushhestvljatsja na oficialnyh kanalah gruppy

9.2. Dlja osveshhenija matchej budut ispolzovatsja tehnicheskie akkaunty.

9.3. Organizatory ostavljajut za soboj pravo samostojatelno vybirat igry dlja transljacii.

9.4. Sudja zaranee (do nachala igry) informiruet komandu o tom, chto match budet translirovatsja.

9.4.1. Dlja sozdanija videomaterialov organizator imeet pravo priglasit ljubogo igroka turnira v golosovoj i videochat. Kazhdyj igrok objazan vo vremja onlajn-sezona soglasitsja na jeto priglashenie. Igrok imeet pravo otkazatsja ot semki materialov po lichnym obstojatelstvam odin raz za sezon.

9.4.2. Dlja sozdanija tekstovyh materialov organizator imeet pravo zaprosit ljubuju informaciju, kotoraja kasaetsja provedenija turnira, neogranichennoe kolichestvo raz. Igroki objazany predostavit nuzhnuju informaciju v techenie 24 chasov s momenta poluchenija zaprosa.

9.5. Transljacii matchej osushhestvljajutsja s zaderzhkoj v 90 sekund.

9.6. Vremja nachala matcha mozhet byt izmeneno po prosbe organizatorov.

9.7. Uchastvuja v Turnire, igrok avtomaticheski daet soglasie na transljaciju matcha s ego uchastiem.

9.8. Vse matchi na transljacii prohodjat s otkljuchennym "Chatom posle smerti".

9.9. Komandam, s matcha kotoryh vedetsja oficialnaja videotransljacija, otvoditsja 10 minut na sbory.

10. Format provedenija matchej.

10.1. Vse matchi prohodjat s vkljuchennym "Ognem po svoim" i vkljuchennoj "Fiksirovannoj kameroj".

10.2. V igre prinimajut uchastie 2 komandy po 5 chelovek v kazhdoj.

10.3. Matchi prohodjat v formatah Best                                                                                                                                                

Best of 1

(Luchshij po itogam odnoj karty, komandy vycherkivajut po odnoj karte)

10.4. Pravo pervogo vychjorkivanija predostavljaetsja komagde nahodjashhejsja sverhu.

10.5. Smena storon avtomaticheski osushhestvljaetsja kazhdye 5 raundov.

10.6. Pobeditelem schitaetsja komanda, oderzhavshaja pobedu v 11 raundah.

10.7. Esli po istechenii 20 raundov pobeditel ne vyjavlen (schet 10:10), igra prodolzhaetsja, poka preimushhestvo odnoj iz komand ne sostavit 2 vyigrannyh raunda. Smena storon proizvoditsja avtomaticheski kazhdyj raund.

11. INOE

11.1. V nestandartnyh, ili neopisannyh v dejstvujushhem variante reglamenta, situacijah, administracija imeet pravo razreshit situaciju po svoemu usmotreniju.

11.2. Organizatory ostavljajut za soboj pravo vnosit korrektivy v reglament v hode Turnira.

11.3. Prizy otpravljajutsja pobediteljam v techenii nedeli.

11.4. Po predlozhenijam sotrudnichestva/reklamy/sponsorstva v lichnye soobshhenija k glavnomu organizatoru.




1. General information regarding the Tournament

1.1. Tournament is held by the Undefeated organization.

1.2. Tournament server: Alpha


2. Tournament organization format and procedures

2.1. All tournament matches will take place in ‘Plant the bomb’ mode.

2.2. Each team must consist of 5 main players but the addition of 2 stand-by players is permitted.

2.3. Tournament maps:

•             Bridges

•             D-17

•             Factory

•             Destination

•             Palace

•             Pyramid

•             Yard

2.4. Players need to have an account of rank 26 or higher.


3. Permitted use of weapons and equipment.

3.1. Permitted to use weapons and ammunition, not quoted in the list banned.

3.2. It is forbidden to use:

all items and weapons for crowns (exceptions in paragraph 3.1.1.);

all automatic and semi-automatic sniper rifles;

anti-personnel mines, stun grenades, all smoke grenades (except single-piece white smoke), grenade launcher;

a special appearance that hides the items worn on the character;

seasonal items;

battle helmets;

combat vests;

combat boots;

combat gloves;

tight shoes;

boots "Atlas, K. I. W. I., and "Absolute power";

helmets "Absolute power";

body armor "Absolute power";

gloves "Atlas, K. I. W. I., and "Absolute power";

equipment "Syndicate" and "Armageddon"

gold versions of items AX-308, Uzkon UNG-12;

tournament masks of the season "Autumn-2015";

all items that protect against the first hit;


Taurus Judge;


Stoner LMG A1;

Uzkon UNG-12;

all items that restore health/armor (exceptions in paragraph 3.1.1.).

3.3. Exceptions (allowed items):

helmets "Open Cup: Spring-2016";

helmet "the War Atlas", K. I. W. I;

Atlas of War bulletproof vest, K. I. W. I .

Equipment "Spectrum"

Type-97 Elite Crown

ACR Elite Crown

FN SCAR-H Elite Crown

SPAS-12 Elite Crown

Saiga-12 Bullpup Elite Crown

Mossberg 500 Custom Elite Crown

Kriss super V Elite Crown

ACR CQB Elite Crown

Beretta M9 Elite Crown

Desert Eagle Elite Crown

gold versions of items

4. Prohibitions.

4.1. Banned anything contrary to the rules of the game and the laws of the Russian Federation.

4.2. It is forbidden to take part in the tournament using the computer of another warface player.

4.3. The use of an undeclared player or a player you keep in touch.

4.10. It is forbidden to intentionally use any in-game errors, as well as errors of the accompanying software.

4.11. Collusion or any arrangement between players or teams for the purpose of obtaining benefits, profits, in-game values is prohibited.

4.12. Any illegal use of other objects of copyright is prohibited.


5. Requirements for participants.

5.1. Participants are prohibited from acting in any way that breaches or contradicts any documents regulating the Game’s code of conduct including the Terms of Use, Payment Terms, and applicable legislation.

5.2. Participants are prohibited from taking part in the Tournament from a PC of any other Game player.

5.3. Using an unregistered player in a team or using a player from another participating team is prohibited in the Tournament.

5.4. Disrespectful behavior towards Tournament Participants, judges, spectators or Organizer’s representatives is prohibited.

5.5. Inappropriate public statements about the Game, Organizer, Tournament Participants and spectators are prohibited.

5.6. It is prohibited to provide information about the Tournament room to anyone except for the judge and members of your team that are Tournament participants.

5.7. Any divergences from the rules described in present Regulations or other documents regulating Tournament participation and placed on Organizer’s websites are prohibited. Breaching this point may cause a disciplinary punishment according to article 5 of the Regulations.

5.8. It is prohibited to call judges with the program Participants use for text communication.

5.9. Any exploits of the in game or related program bugs are prohibited.

5.10. Any unsanctioned use of any results of the copyright items of third parties and any actions breaching the related legislations are prohibited.

5.11. If the player has not logged in the main game server for more than 35 days prior to the Tournament start – this player is not allowed to enter the Tournament.


6. Disciplinary sanctions.

6.1. Violation of p.4.1 – team disqualification, main server account of the Participant banned.

6.2. Violation of p.4.2 – Participant disqualification from the Tournament.

6.3. Violation of p.4.3 – team disqualification as well as the disqualification of the stand-by Participant.

6.4. Violation of p.4.4 – a warning for the first violation, second violation leads to team disqualification.

6.5. Violation of p.4.5 – a warning for the first violation, second violation leads to the current tournament disqualification of the Participant and tournament ban of this participant for the duration of 6 months from the start of the ban. Third violation leads to team disqualification from the current tournament and the 6-month tournament ban for each of the members.

6.6. The sanctions for violating p.4.7, p.4.8, p.4.10, p.4.12 are determined by the judge in accordance with the severity of the violation.

6.7. Violations of p.4.1 — p.4.12 can lead to a permanent Tournament ban for the Participant.

6.8. The sanction for violating p.4.11 is determined by the judge. The player receives a warning for the first violation, while repeated violations may be sanctioned with the technical loss of the team in the match or player disqualification from the Tournament.

6.9. Organizer determines a team’s Tournament ban duration.


7. Tournament Organization.

7.1. The Participant has an opportunity to connect to the game if the connection has been lost. If the Participant does not succeed in reconnecting – the match will not stop. In this case the team may use a stand-by Participant registered for the tournament as a member of this team.

7.2. Teams have 15 minutes from the start of the match per official schedule and referee’s decision to be present in full roster of 5 players, core or substitute; if the team is unable to do so, it receives a technical loss.

7.3. In case of a disconnect before the first round is started / first kill is made (the loading screen, etc); the match is restarted. The match must be restarted within 2 minutes from the crash; the match can not be restarted more than 3 times. If a team uses up its restart limit or fails to restart in time with a full roster, it is assigned a loss.

7.4. A Participant banned upon the end of the registration process is not permitted to take part in the Tournament.

7.5. Match participation from a computer club/training camp for one or several Participants is permitted only after receiving the approval from the Tournament Organizer.

7.6. The place of match participation (computer club/training camp) must be equipped with the internet-access camera able to stream the match online non-stop.

7.7. The links to the match streams may be posted only by the Tournament Organizer. Refusal to comply leads to the team receiving a technical loss in the match or even disqualification from the Tournament.

7.8. Organizers have the right to ask for the photos of the full team from the place of match participation (computer club/training base). If the photos are not provided – the team will be disqualified.

7.9. Tournament organizers have the right to change team names, logos and membership as well as the nicknames of the Tournament Participants.

7.10. All team captains should be online 30 minutes prior to the Tournament start.


8. Order of appeal consideration

8.1. All the complaints regarding the broken game rules have to be filed within 20 minutes after the end of the match. The complaint is filed through a special form on vk group.

8.2. An unfair game protest should be filed with the name of the suspected Participant, time and a reason for suspicion. Team captain may request the judge to analyze the video footage for the sign of the prohibited programs utilized by opponent Participants. The maximum amount of Participants that can be investigated with such request is 3.

8.3. A tournament judge is permitted to determine whether a Participant / a team receives a warning, a sanction or a complex of sanctions.

8.4. Discussing the final verdict determined by the judge can be sanctioned with team disqualification.

8.5. When one team receives the technical loss – the opponent team is declared the winner of the match with 1:0 score recorded.


9. Streams.

9.1. Matches will be streamed through the official Game channels on the internet.

9.2. Technical accounts will be used for match commentary.

9.3. Tournament organizer has the right to decide on the matches that will be streamed.

9.4. A Tournament judge will notify the team that the match will be streamed prior to the start of the match.

9.4.1. Tournament organizer has the right to invite any Participant to voice.

and video chat in order to create tournament video content. Every Participant is required to accept such an invitation during the tournament season. A Participant has the right to deny such invitation only once per season.

9.4.2. Tournament Organizer has the right to request any information regarding the Tournament from Participants unlimited amounts of time in order to create text

materials. The Participants must provide the required information within 24 hours after receiving the request.

9.5. Match streaming will have a delay of 90 seconds.

9.6. The start time of the match can be changed upon the Organizer’s request.

9.7. Tournament participation indicates the Participant’s agreement to his/hers gameplay being Streamed and later on used by Organizer for marketing purposes.

9.8. All streamed matches will have ‘after death chat’ disabled.

9.9. The teams whose match will be officially streamed will have 10 minutes to assemble.


10. «UD: Summer»

10.1. The tournament format: BO3 with the bottom grid.

detailed timetable of the preliminary game days will be published the day prior to the Tournament.


11. Prizes.

11.1. Prize Fund: 1 prize places.

The distribution of the prize fund:

1st place 100%


12. Other statements.

12.1. In a non-standard situation or a situation non-specified in present Regulations the Tournament organizers have the right act as they see fit.

12.2. The Organizer has the right to amend present regulations during any stage of the Tournament by publishing a new version of the Regulations.

12.3. The Tournament and the relationship between the Organizer and the Participants are governed by the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the Tournament are subject to mandatory pre-trial settlement, and in case of failure to reach agreement during the pre-trial settlement of the dispute – shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction at the location of the Organizer.

12.4. The Organizer shall not be liable for Participants' actions (inactions) or errors.

12.5. The Organizer shall not be responsible for missing the deadlines established by this Regulation for the completion of the actions. Claims having to do with missed deadlines shall not be accepted; The Prizes shall not be issued after the time periods for their receipt have expired.

12.6. The Organizer retains the right to refrain from entering into written negotiations or any other contact with Participants, except in the cases provided for by this Regulation and in the event of disputes.
