Summer Challenge - gold-master
Participants: 17
PST time: 12, Jun 06:00
Storm Chess , Double Elimination
The tournament is only for gold-master league!
Communication with the judges - via Storm Chess Discord channel.
The prize fund is $150.
1st place - $40
2nd place - $35
3rd place - $30
4th place - $25
5-8 place - $5
- 3 open cups for beginners (30$, 6,8 and 10 June)
- 1 tournament for all ranks (150$, 11 June)
- 1 tournament for beginners (100$, 12 June)
- 1 tournament for pro (150$, 12 June)
Please communicate with judges via Storm Chess Discord channel.
Tournaments time start:
IST Time - 21:30
PST Time - 8:00
MSK time: 19:00
Storm Chess is an innovative real-time chess game where your goal is to capture the enemy king and you dont have turns.
Play now at
Storm Chess has gotten fantastic feedback from everyone from casuals up to FIDE masters and pro esports players, as well as personal acknowledgement of the President of FIDE.
1. All pieces can be moved at the same time
2. Each piece has a cooldown after the move
3. To win you need to capture the king
Turnir tolko dlja zolotoj-master ligi!
Svjaz s sudjami - cherez soobshhenija gruppy VK. Ili na kanale Storm Chess v Discord.
Projti obuchenie v Storm Chess, poigrat v matchmejking i potrenirovatsja mozhno prjamo sejchas po ssylke.
Shahmaty Storm Chess - jeto shahmaty v realnom vremeni, neobychnyj i veselyj format igry. Chtoby v nih sorevnovatsja, dostatochno prosto znat kak hodjat figury - shans est u kazhdogo.
Pravila igry:
1. Vse figury mozhno dvigat odnovremenno
2. U kazhdoj figury est vremja perezarjadki posle hoda
3. Dlja pobedy nuzhno vzjat korolja
Intervju s mezhdunarodnym masterom po shahmatam chitajte po ssylke.