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Trust Titanfall 2 1vs1 LTS #0


[RUS] Turnirnye pravila Poslednij iz titanov

Format turnira: Single Elimination

Osnovnye matchi: Best of 3 (3 karty, kazhdaja po 3 raunda)

Final: Best of 5 (5 kart, kazhdaja po 5 raundov)

Host: Igrok na verhnej pozicii v setke

Vybor karty: Pered nachalom matchej igroki v lobbi provodjat vycherkivanie kart. Pervym nachinaet igrok na verhnej pozicii v setke. Posle vycherkivanija dolzhno ostatsja 3 karty - gruppovoj jetap i 5 kart - final. Pervym kartu dlja matcha vybiraet igrok verhnej pozicii v setke. Pobedivshij v raunde igrok dolzhen smenit titana

Spisok kart: Raznos-gorod, Dok, Kompleks, Gorod Angelov, Voennye igry, Jedem, Razlom, Jekzoplaneta, Svjatynja

Vybor servera: Na usmotrenie igrokov, pri spornoj situacii obrashhajtes k sudjam v diskord

Esli vybrat optimalnyj variant servera najti ne udaetsja, to match igraetsja v formate Best of 2. Servery vybirajutsja poocheredno Vo vremja turnira vse igroki dolzhny byt onlajn na servere diskorda

Otkljuchenie vo vremja igry: V techenie 60 sekund ot nachala matcha = restart

Ne podkljuchenie k igre v techenie 10 minut = proigrysh

Vse matchi dolzhny podtverzhdatsja skrinshotom finalnoj tablicy

Nastrojki matcha:

Rezhim igry: Poslednij iz Titanov

Limit ochkov: Osnovnye matchi - 3, final - 5.

Limit vremeni: Raundy po 5 minut

Nastrojki pilota:

Usilenija: Vykljucheny

Zdorove: 100%

Otsrochka vozrozhdenija: 0t sek.

Zapreshheno: Vzryvpakety

Nastrojki titana:

Mnozhitel indikatora jadra: 100% (po umolchaniju)

Vnimanie! Otpravljaja zajavku na uchastie, igrok avtomaticheski podtverzhdaet fakt prochtenija i soglasija s pravilami chempionata.

Momenty, ne ukazannye v dannyh pravilah, sudja vprave reshit po svoemu usmotreniju.

[ENG] Tournament Rules. Last Titan Standing

Tournament type: Single Elimination

Qualifiers: Best of 3 (3 maps with 3 rounds)

Final match: Best of 5 (5 maps with 5 rounds)

Host: Top player in the tournament table

Choosing the maps: Before the start of the matches, the players in the lobby need to ban superfluous maps. The Host bans the maps first. After bans, there should be 3 maps left - group stage and 5 maps - final. The choose the maps first

The winner of the round must change the titan.

Map list: Boomtown, Drydock, Complex, Angel City, Wargames, Eden, Glitch, Exoplanet, Relic

Choosing a Data Center: At players' discretion. In a controversial situation, contact the Tournament referee

If a compromise regarding Data Center choice cannot be reached, match is played in a BO2 format on alternating Data Centers.

During the tournament all players are required to be online in the tournament Discord.

If a player disconnects during the first minute of the match, the game is reset.

If a player fails to connect within 10 minutes, the round counts as lost for him.

All results must be confirmed by a screenshot of the scoreboard.

Game settings:

Mode: Last Titan Standing

Score limit: Qualifiers - 3, Final - 5.

Time limit: 5 minutes

Pilot Settings:

Boosts: Disabled

Health: 100%

Banned items: Satchels

Titan Settings:

Core meter multiplier: 100% (default)

Attention! By submitting an application for participation, the player automatically confirms the fact of reading and agreeing with the rules of the championship.

Moments not specified in these rules, the judge has the right to decide at his discretion.