#1 Titanfall 2 1vs1 PVP Tournament #1
Format turnira: Single Elimination
Osnovnyj matchi: Best of 3
Final: Best of 5
Host: Igrok na verhnej pozicii
Vybor karty: Igrok na verhnej pozicii vybiraet pervym, zatem vybiraet proigravshij
Spisok kart: Sklad, Traffik, Lug, Paluba, Poselok
Vybor servera: Na usmotrenie igrokov, pri spornoj situacii obrashhajtes k sudjam v diskord
Esli vybrat optimalnyj variant servera najti ne udaetsja, to match igraetsja v formate Best of 2. Servery vybirajutsja poocheredno
Vo vremja turnira vse igroki dolzhny byt byt onlajn na servere diskorda
Otkljuchenie vo vremja igry: V techenie 60 sekund ot nachala matcha = restart
Ne podkljuchenie k igre v techenie 10 minut = proigrysh
Vse matchi dolzhny podtverzhdatsja skrinshotom finalnoj tablicy
Nastrojki matcha.
Rezhim igry: Piloty protiv pilotov
Limit ochkov: 20 ochkov
Limit vremeni: 10 minut
Usilenija: Vykljucheny
Zdorove: 125%
Nastrojki pilota:
Zapreshhennye taktiki pilota: Stena+, Fazovyj sdvig, Puls. klinok
Specoruzhie: Fajrstar i Jelektrodymovaja granaty
Zapreshhennye oruzhija: Spitfaer, Jenergovintovka
Tournament Format: Single Elimination
Main Bracket: Best of 3
Finals: Best of 5
Higher seed
Map Picking: Higher seed picks first map, then loser picks the next
Maps: Stacks, Traffic, Meadow, Deck, Township
Server Location: The location that grants both teams roughly the lowest ping possible, or a general "middle" of all the players playing
All participants must be in discord server before check in
Disconnects in game: Before 60 seconds = restart round
connect = loss
All matches must be confirm with 3 or 5 (at finals) screenshoots by winner
Private Match settings:
Game mode: Pilots Vs Pilots|
Score Limit: 20 kills
Time limit: 10 minutes
Boosts: Off
Respawn Delay: 0s
Health: 125%
Tacticals Banned: A-wall, Phase shift, Blade
Ordinances: Firestars and Electric Smoke Grenades
Weapon bans: Spitfire, Charge