#1 Titanfall 2 1vs1 PVP Tournament #1
Pervyj turnir po igre Titanfall 2 1vs1 PVP
Platforma: PC
Data: 22 Avgusta 2020, 16:00 UTC +7 (12:00 MSK) - Chek-in za chas do nachala. Knopka podtverzhdenija nahoditsja tam zhe, gde i knopka registracii v turnir.
Pravila: https://click-storm.com/tournament/46706/rules/
Diskord: https://discord.gg/TxhSwA
Esli vy hotite podderzhat provedenie turnirov i uvelichit prizovoj fond: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/d1esuka
Vse voprosy sudjam i organizatoram zadavat v gruppe diskorda
First Titanfall 2 1vs1 PVP tournament
Platform: PC
Date: 22 August 2020, 16:00 UTC +7 / - Check in opens 1 hour before start time. The confirmation button is located in the same place as the registration button for the tournament.
Rules: https://click-storm.com/tournament/46706/rules/
Discord: https://discord.gg/TxhSwA
If you want to support tournaments and increase the prize pool: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/d1esuka
All questions to the judges and organizers should be asked in the Discord.