Click-Storm DOTA 2 New Year Cup
Tournament Structure: Single Elimination best of one (1:0), finals - best of three (2:0 or 2:1).
Best players will be honoured in our Hall of Fame.
- Start: 10th of January - 13:00 Moscow time or 11:00 Paris time.
Prize fund
1 place: 75 USD.
Need a team?
V jetot raz vam predstoit srazitsja ne tolko s russkojazychnymi igrokami, no i s igrokami iz Evropy. Schitaem, jeto unikalnyj shans, kotoryj nelzja upuskat.
Vnimanie: oficialnyj jazyk obshhenija - anglijskij.
Struktura turnira: Single Elimination, do odnoj pobedy (1:), final - do dvuh pobed (2:0 ili 2:1).
Luchshie igroki budut otmecheny v nashem Zale Slavy.
- Start: 10 janvarja - 13:00 po msk.
Nuzhna komanda?
- Mnogo zajavok - zdes. Ostavte svoju zajavku i svjazhites s temi, kto ishhet komandu cherez lichnye soobshhenija.