FightClub, HearthStone Day#3-1
- Tournament format: Single Elimination, random shuffle before start.
- Tournament start time: 2:00 pm Paris time or 4:00 pm Moscow time.
- BO1 until top4. Finals - BO5.
- If an opponent doesn't respond in 5-10 minutes please upload a screenshot and send a message to a judge via Click-Storm. Only judge can decide if a disqualification is needed.
- Auto-checkin is always on. Please be present on the web-site before the tournament start. Only online players will stay in the bracket.
- Blind picks. You and your opponent can start playing with any classes.
- Turnir prohodit po sisteme Single Elimination: igroki razbivajutsja na pary v porjadke sluchajnoj zherebevki pered startom turnira i sorevnujutsja v turnirnyh matchah.
- Nachalo turnira: v 16:00 (MSK)
- Matchi do polufinala budut prohodit v formate Bo1. Polufinal Bo3. Final Bo5.
- V sluchae, esli vash sopernik ne otvechaet bolee 5-10 minut, nuzhno obratitsja k sude cherez lichnye soobshhenija s predostavleniem skrinoshotov. Igroku, kotoryj ne otvechaet poluchit tehnicheskoe porazhenie. Tolko sudja imeet pravo naznachit tehnicheskoe porazhenie.
- Vveden chek-in. Chtoby ego projti nuzhno byt onlajn na sajte vo vremja starta turnira!
- Vse novosti o turnire budut v nashej gruppe VKontakte:
- V matchah Bo3 i Bo5 soobshhat klassy ne nuzhno, kak i v Bo1.