DOTA 2 Europe Challenge #1
DOTA 2 Europe Challenge #1 - new series of tournaments for teams in Europe and Russia.
This tournament is for amateur teams. You won't be eliminated in the first game.
All games - best of three (2:0 or 2:1). So, do not be afraid, gather a team and be prepared for adrenaline games.
Best players will be honoured in our Hall of Fame.
- 24th of October, 17:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time), 3 ROUNDs
- 25th of October, 17:00 GMT+3 (Moscow time), 3 ROUNDS + FINALS
Prize fund
1 place: 125 euro
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DOTA 2 Europe Challenge #1 - jeto prodolzhenie poljubivshejsja serii Russian Challenge po DOTA 2 ot
V jetot raz vam predstoit srazitsja ne tolko s russkojazychnymi igrokami, no i s igrokami iz Evropy. Schitaem, jeto unikalnyj shans, kotoryj nelzja upuskat.
Vnimanie: oficialnyj jazyk obshhenija - anglijskij.
A teper o turnire. My znaem, kak tjazhelo sobrat komandu i ugovorit vseh prijti vovremja, chtoby vorvatsja na turnir. I znaem, kak obidno vyletet posle pervoj zhe igry.
Pojetomu struktura turnira - bo3 v gruppah v subbotu, i plej-off v voskresene.
Krome togo, luchshie igroki budut otmecheny v nashem Zale Slavy.
- 24 oktjabrja, 17:00 po msk - start setki, zakrytie registracii i gruppy bo3
- 25 oktjabrja, 17:00 po msk - plej-off