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Top 10 Best CS:GO players by Tomi "lurppis" Kovanen


Olof 'olofm' Kajbjer, Europe, Fnatic

European Counter-Strike legend Tomi "lurppis" Kovanen came up with a rating of top 10 best CS:GO players in Europe in the last six months.

lurppis played CS 1.6 professionally for eight years for teams such as wings, roccat/69N-28E, EG and WinFakt with team winnings exceeding $350,000. Since ending his playing career in 2012 he has stayed active in the CS:GO scene as part of the media.

10. Kenny 'kennyS' Schrub (Team EnVyUs)

9. Tyler 'Skadoodle' Latham

8. Aleksandr 's1mple' Kostyliev (HellRaisers)

7. Robin 'flusha' Ronnquist (Fnatic)

6. Freddy 'KRiMZ' Johansson (Fnatic)

5. Janusz 'Snax' Pogorzelski (

4. Vincent 'Happy' Cervoni (Team EnVyUs)

3. Ladislav 'GuardiaN' Kovacs (Natus Vincere)

2. Nicolai 'device' Reedtz  (Team SoloMid)

1. Olof 'olofm' Kajbjer (Fnatic)