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SumaiL: "I wanted to play with n0tail and I got the opportunity to do that"


Syed Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan shared his thoughts on moving to OG for Dota 2.

“After I left that team I only wanted to play with one of three captains in West and luckily OG was one of them and invited me to join them. I wanted to play with Johan ‘N0tail’ Sundstein and I got the opportunity to do that. I like the way the team is right now, I’m wishing for the best.

It's definitely possible to win another TI and I'm pretty positive going into this season with the boys. It’s too early to say anything really, but there’s chill vibes right now – new team, new mindset. It's a good mix of skills and strats, and on paper it looks like a great roster,” — said SumaiL.

SumaiL joined OG on January 28th. The club announced changes in line-up during the presentation of True Sight documentary on the grand final of The International 2019.
