We just got yet another portion of tease regarding the new hero who is getting ready to join the Nexus.
After Blizzard confirmed Kael'Thas as the next hero yesterday, today they continued the tease with screenshots of what will most likely be his heroic abilities. Hopefully we receieve some more seeds of information with the developers' Q & A about the hero that is scheduled for the 12th of May.
Kael'Thas is definitely a long awaited addition to the game, having been announced as an upcoming hero along the recently released Sylvanas at PAX East 2014. Having the Sun King join us will definitely be amazing and it seems like he will bring quite a bit of fire to the game that is already mighty hot.
Without further ado, here are his teased abilities.
What do you think these spells do?
Source: gosugamers.net
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