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$1 million in Prize pool at the Mythic Invitational, a MTG:Arena tournament


The biggest Magic: The Gathering Arena tournament - Mythic Invitational will start on march 28 with prize pool of $1 million.

The event will continue for 3 days starting from March 28 and be held in Boston, Massachusetts.

64 participants will fight for championship. Including Magic Pro League (MPL) members and famous Magic players and streamers. Among them a Hearthstone world champion - ThijsHS, as well as other famous HS players - Savjz, SJow, Amaz.

The Champion along with title will receive the main prize - $250 000.

Prize pool distribution:


  • Format - Bo3 without sideboarding;
  • Each player submits 2 decks;
  • In Game 1 the deck for each player and who goes first will be determined randomly;
  • In Game 2 players swap decks and who went first in Game 1 now goes second;
  • In Game 3 (if necessary) the players choose any deck they used previously;
  • Who goes first in Game 3 will be determined randomly.

The stream of Mythic Invitational will be available on
