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Dota Auto Chess Breaks 300K Concurrent Players

Artem Uarabei

Dota Auto Chess (DAC) had reached a peak of more than 300K concurrent players and 4.13M subscribers. Compared to the last month, it had a peak of over 130K concurrent players and 1.2M subscribers. The game was first released on Jan. 4, and a new Dota 2 custom game mode was created by a Chinese workshop known as “Big Drodo Studio.” Nevertheless, there are two key issues that still need to be considered.

A sustainable business model for the game. Product plagiarism by another potential competitor.

In the current business model of DAC, players can use “candy” (the virtual currency in the DAC system) to purchase customized in-game items, known as “courier skins.” “Candy” can be awarded to players by the system, if the player wins the game, or can be purchased by players in the real world. There are two issues with the system within the game that could cause problems for the developer:

DAC does not own the copyright for the courier skins it is selling; they are owned by the Steam Dota 2 Community.

DAC added a Taobao (a Chinese e-commerce platform owned by Alibaba Group, similar to Amazon) QR code in the game, for players to buy “Candy.” Basically, DAC is using Perfect World’s server to promote its online store, and potentially faces legal issues.
