Ninjas in Pyjamas have adjusted their line-up in the current shuffle and have replaced midlaner Joel 'Apemother' Larsson with Linus 'Limmp' Blomdin.
Ninjas in Pyjamas have just announced that they will be changing their roster moving forward. Midlaner Joel 'Apemother' Larsson has been replaced with compLexity Gaming's Linus 'Limmp' Blomdin.
NiP will thus remain a full Swedish roster, whereas coL is down to two official members, namely Kyle 'swindlemelonzz' Freedman and Zakari 'ZfreeK' Freedman.
"While we're sad to lose a valuable team member, I wish Limmp the best of luck and success with the NiP Dota team. As for coL Dota, our resolve has not weakened, and though we have a long road ahead of us we are confident in our ability to identify and nurture the talent necessary to ensure our place as a global power in the Dota 2 scene. We would like to thank our fans for the continued support.", - says coL's manager Kyle 'Beef' Bautista when approached by GosuGamers about the future of his team
As for NiP, the Swedes felt as if they needed to make a change, still wishing Apemother the best in his future, which remains uncertain for now.
Ninjas in Pyjamas roster:
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