Jason "Amaz" Chan, popular Hearthstone figure and owner of Team Archon, just announced a second edition of the Pinnacle tournament.
The tournament will be played on January 29th - 31st, featuring six invites for players like Forsen, Strifecro, Trump and MagicAmy. At this moment not all of the players are confirmed, but it will be a stacked tournament nonetheless.
The remaining 2 spots for this tournament will be played out in an "open" qualifier. "Open" because the exact restrictions for competing in the qualifier tournament are not fully worked out yet.
The first Pinnacle tournament featured players like Xixo, TodesofTime, Savjz and tournament champion Firebat. The tournament was played in a Best-of 5 format with the option to "coup" once per match, meaning you could ban an opponent’s deck after seeing the matchup.
Invited Players
Source: gosugamers.net
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