Hello I've been playing this game for quite a long time and I think it's time to move on - onto a competitive level.
I want to participate at dota 2 contests and such events but also enjoy times spent playing with other good and respectful players.
I play mostly morphling as a core carry but I am open to anything, can fill up as offlane or even mid. I am decent offlaner but mid only if nobody else wants it (which is very rare).
My mmr atm is 4225 +- but the highest I ever got was 4600. However this doesnt determine how good I really am since solo ranked playing is very.. well, you know.
Anyway, I can use mic + speak fluent english. I am friendly and kind but I hate when there are players in team who create unplayable games by using stupid language and being arogant, trolling
If you are bunch of cool guys who are looking for someone like me, please respond here or contact me on my steam "Telisko" - it also says I am from israel but that's bullshit ;D.