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[EU] Theme for players who looking for a team / stuck for party-mmr


I have created a stuck for enjoy uplifting our party-mmr so I'm looking for kindly players as standin in my new EU stuck for uplifting party mmr(3.4k party avarage). Need roles such as solo-hard and supps. Our time region is CET. We play everyday (not 24/7) and we are all friendly. Also our stuck having high winrate (90% for 10 games).

I want to have 10-15 players on my Discrod's server( from 5 to 10+ for stuck) as standin. Where you also can will create second stuck for creating a team! :)

• To have the Discord (server already is ready) + micro
• Never give up
To know English
Don't to blame
You party-mmr nust be not lower 3.2k  

If you have a questions then write me to PM or here
Proof about 90% wr ↓

proof about 90% wr