Turnir FightClub SC#31, Diamond-Master League



- Nachalo igr: v 17:00.
Setka budet sformirovana okonchatelno v 16:30.
- Vse igry prohodjat po sisteme Bo3, final Bo5.
- Teh.luz vystavljaetsja posle 20 minut ozhidanija, esli net nikakih priznakov onlajna opponenta (vk, sk, klik-shtorm). Nuzhno napisat na sajte v glavnom chate ob jetom.
- Mappul laddernyj:
✔ Pogibshaja jekspedicija
✔ Jeho
✔ Dolina kaktusov
✔ Vaanijskaja issledovatelskaja stancija
✔ Koda
✔ Zheleznaja krepost
✔ Pylajushhie ozera

- U nas est svojo igrovoe soobshhestvo v sk: SC2 FightClub Cup. Tam mozhno uvidet bolshinstvo uchastnikov.


- V igrah ne mozhet byt nikakih obsov, tolko esli jeto admin ili strimer.
- Vse matchi v formate bo3, iskljuchenie final, final v formate bo5.
- Ne dopuskaetsja oskorblenie uchastnikov turnira.
- Ne dopuskajutsja igroki iz lig, nepodhodjashhih pod registraciju lig.
- Igrok mozhet byt dopushhen, esli on uzhe 3 sezona ne byl v nedopustimoj lige.
- Do polufinalnyh igr, igroki igrajut sami.

Vybor kart proishodit pered kazhdoj igroj i vygljadit sledujushhim obrazom:

Best-of-3: 3 igry - 4 karty nado vycherknut (po 2 na uchastnika)
Best-of-5: 5 igr - 2 karty nado vycherknut (po 1 s uchastnika)

Vycherkivanie proishodit po ocheredi.

Opredelenie kart - jeto znachitelnyj strategicheskij jelement. Ozabottes zaranee tem, kakie karty dlja vas naibolee optimalny, a kakie vy budete vycherkivat.

Opredelenie kart osushhestvljaetsja sledujushhim algoritmom:
-Dlja bo3:
1)Igroki vycherkivajut chetyre karty po ocheredi. Vsego 7 kart, pojetomu ostaetsja tolko 3 karty, na kotoryh budut prohodit igry.
2)Sredi ostavshihsja treh kart opredeljaetsja ocherednost. Igrok, kotoryj poslednij vycherkival (punkt algoritma 1), opredeljaet kakaja karta budet igratsja pervoj. Dalee drugoj igrok vybiraet vtoruju kartu. Ostaetsja odna - igraetsja tretej (pri schete 1:1).
-Dlja bo5:
1)Igroki vycherkivajut dve karty po ocheredi. Vsego 7 kart, pojetomu ostaetsja 5 kart, na kotoryh budut prohodit igry.
2)Sredi ostavshihsja pjati kart opredeljaetsja ocherednost. Igrok, kotoryj poslednij vycherkival (punkt algoritma 1), opredeljaet kakaja karta budet igratsja pervoj. Dalee drugoj igrok vybiraet vtoruju kartu. Zatem igrok, kotoryj vybiral pervuju kartu vybiraet tu, na kotoroj budet prohodit tretja igra, drugoj - chetvertaja. Ostaetsja odna - igraetsja pjatoj (pri schete 2:2). Po suti jeto predstavljaet soboj prosto poocherednyj vybor kart.

Primechanie: Esli dlja vas trudno ponjat, chto k chemu, ili vam prosto len, to vy mozhete opredeljat karty i ih ocherednost ljubym udobnym sposobom, no tolko pri soglasovanii s vashim opponentom. Esli opponent hochet otbirat karty jetim sposobom, to vy objazany "podchinitsja".


- Home games: at 17:00.
Grid tournament will be established definitively at 16:30.

- All games are played on the system BO3, finals BO5.
- Players are given 20 minutes to pack for the game. If your opponent does not come for 20 minutes, then you need to write on the site in the main chat about it.
- Mappul ladder:
✔ The dead Expedition
✔ Echo
✔ Valley cacti
✔ Vaaniyskaya Research Station
✔ Code
- In the games can be no observer, except an administrator, or streamer.
Selecting Map comes before every game and is as follows:

Best-of-3: games - 3; 4 maps have to delete (2 per person)
Best-of-5: games - 5; 2 maps have to delete (by 1 person)
Maps deleted out sequentially
Definition maps - this is a significant strategic element. Take care in advance so what cards are optimal for you and which you will strike out.

Determination of cards in the following algorithm:
-For Bo3:
1) Players cross out four cards at a time. A total of 7 cards, so only 3 cards, which will be held games.
2) Among the remaining three cards is determined by the order. The player who last crossed out (paragraph 1 of the algorithm), determines which map will be played first. Then the other player chooses a second card. It remains one - third is played (when the score was 1: 1).
-For Bo5:
1) Players cross out two cards at a time. A total of 7 cards, so the remaining 5 cards, which will be held games.
2) Among the remaining five cards is determined by the order. The player who last crossed out (paragraph 1 of the algorithm), determines which map will be played first. Then the other player chooses a second card. Then the player who chooses the first card selects the one which will be the third game, the other - the fourth. It remains one - fifth is played (when the score was 2: 2). In fact, this is just a selection of alternate maps.
Note: If you find difficult to understand what was happening, or do you just too lazy, you can determine the order of their cards in any convenient manner, but only in agreement with your opponent. If an opponent wants to take away the map in this way, then you are required to "obey".