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How to get CS 1.6 srosshair in CS:GO?


Standard sight in CS: GO convenient to call at least difficult, as it is very large . Therefore, I suggest you set up a sight so that it was similar to the one to which we are accustomed to playing CS 1.6.

Open the console and enter the following commands :
cl_crosshairstyle 4 - style
cl_crosshairsize 3 - Size
cl_crosshairgap -1 - the distance
cl_crosshairthickness 1 - Thickness
cl_crosshaircolor 1 - color
cl_crosshairalpha 200 - transparency
cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - includes the possibility of stroke
cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1 - the thickness of the stroke

After all registered in the console , go to the MM or Public and rejoice :)

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