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VR League Season 3 kicks off with show-matches at IEM Katowice


VR League

VR League Season 3 began on March 3 with VR first-person shooters Onward and Echo Combat show-matches in Katowice, Poland. The best teams competed on stage in front of spectators in a Bo5 format using Oculus Rift.

Echo Combat is a 4v4 first-person shooter in zero-gravity. Players battle by piloting futuristic robots. Strategizing with your team is the key for the victory in this game.

Onward is a tactical multiplayer shooter developed for VR Headsets. The game favors coordination, communication, and marksmanship skills


In military team shooter team Onward Globochem defeated Beginners with a 3:2 score.


The team Eclipse beated Team Gravity in Echo Combat scoring 3:1.

VR League is the first and biggest VR-esports league with backing from ESL and Oculus. Season 3 Final games will be held in Leicester (Great Britain) and the winners will get $250 000.
