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Teams & Casters announced for TaKeTV's TakeOver Event!

Artem Uarabei

All regions seem to be blessed with stellar launch events. For Europe, this will be the TaKeTV TakeOver, featuring some of the best EU teams (and casting talent).

You might know TaKeTV from their Hearthstone/Starcraft or CSGO events, but they will quite possibly also be known for organizing one of the best Overwatch launch events in about a week.

TaKeTV's housecups have long been known for the fun, random things they do to keep viewers entertained at all times, always providing plenty of redditable content. And the fact this event will be hosted in their new 2,000m², with in-house cinema, only promises more.

Of course, an event can easily fall flat without top competing teams, but the following teams have agreed to play for the $5,000 prizepool:

Bongo Beach Boys
Creation eSports
Team Experiment

If you happen to live close to Krefeld, Germany then we highly suggest you make the trip and come watch the event on venue (because admission is free). Otherwise, you will be able to tune in to the TaKeTV_Overwatch channel on May 27th til May 29th.

The broadcasts are expected to go live at noon CEST so expect days filled with entertainment of all sorts.
